“Flower Gets a Place to Stay”
March 3, 2020

Michael Cowan and his dog flower have a lot to say and so much to be thankful for when it came to the extraordinary care they received from Ashlee Manning, RN.
Mr. Cowan wasn’t feeling quite right one evening and drove himself to the Emergency Department at Canyon Vista Medical Center to be seen while his beloved and trustee dog, Flower, waited for him in the car. It wasn’t long before the Doctor told him that he needed to be admitted. “Flower was in the car and they were trying to admit me. Well I kept telling them I couldn’t do that, that Flower needed someone to take care of her, when all of a sudden I hear this soft voice say ‘I’ll take her’. Ashlee taking care of Flower was probably the biggest contributor to my recovery”. Ashlee and Flower spent about 6 days together while Mr. Cowan recovered and was able to come home. As for Ashlee and her family…“We loved having Flower so much, she is such a sweet dog, right after she went home, we went to the animal shelter and rescued a pup ourselves.”
Thank you Ashlee for making such a difference to Mr. Cowan and Flower.Ashlee joined Canyon Vista Medical Centers Emergency Department on 8/24/15. Ashlee was nominated and won the DAISY Award this Quarter for her contribution and going above and beyond to provide extraordinary care.