March 3, 2020

A few years ago, Wenche Zimmerman could barely walk, “I had been hobbling around for four or five years because of the pain in my right knee,” explained Wenche. Then Wenche went to see Dr. Brian Daines, an orthopaedic surgeon with Canyon Vista Medical Center. Contemplating joint replacement is a major life decision and often comes with many questions and some anxiety considering any surgery. “He treated me like I was the only person he was going to see all day,” said Wenche. Dr. Daines spent time thoroughly answering her questions and comforting Wenche’s concerns, “He was so patient and took the time to answer all of my questions.”When it was decision time, Wenche chose to have knee replacement surgery at Canyon Vista Medical Center. “The hospital staff was amazing,” she said. “I’ve never experienced such kindness. I can’t speak more highly of how everyone in every department took care of me.”
After Wenche’s knee replacement, she spent five weeks of therapy at Canyon Vista Medical Center. Today, Wenche says she’s a brand new person. Now she is able to resume her active lifestyle without joint pain slowing her down, “I walk four or five miles a day. I can climb up and down ladders and steep hills. I can dance again and I love to dance. Even my bad back feels much better because I’m not walking so cockeyed.” With her new knee, she’s finally booked a hiking trip to Sedona with her daughter for the summer, something she has wanted to do for a long time. Wenche’s sister was the only person who opposed her getting a joint replacement, and since she has seen Wenche’s results, has undergone joint replacement herself.
Recently, Wenche attended a celebration for all the people who have had joint replacement surgery at the hospital. “I am so glad I went because I met so many people who have been helped by this hospital,” she said. Seeing the other people who also underwent joint replacement was moving knowing how her life has changed for the better because of it, “I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it.” We’re grateful to have our Bone & Joint Institute and the wonderful team of specialists and staff helping patients like Wenche get back on the dance floor.